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Dotty's Online Jigsaws

Dotty's Daily Playtonium

You need Shockwave Player to play this puzzle. You will be prompted to download this plug-in from Macromedia if you do not have the version required. You may play more Platonium puzzles at Playtonium. Play more online jigsaw puzzles at Dotty's Online Jigsaws . Many of the photos used for this implementation of Platonium Daily Jigsaw are from Dotty's photographs at JigCard Gallery. Visit Virtual Jigsaws for reviews of an extensive list of online, freeware and shareware jigsaw puzzles and a few jigsaw puzzles to download. Also see Daily Jigsaws for a list of online jigsaw puzzles that change their pictures daily.

Also download
demo sets

to play offline.


When the puzzle control screen is loaded, select a picture from the list at the right, then select the number of pieces. Click the rotation square if you want the pieces to be randomly rotated. Click Play Now to start the puzzle.

Drag and drop pieces to move or join them. Click the ? button for further instructions. The puzzle is timed and you may upload your time and compare your results to other players.

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