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- Dotty's photo gallery. Free daily jigsaw and eCards. Members can play jigsaws with over 3000 pictures.

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Reviews are listed alphabetically. Scroll down the page, choose a section of the alphabet above or select one of the highlighted reviews listed at the right.

  1. Cards for Fun - Send a jigsaw in a greeting card or just play online yourself. Scroll down the page for the links to the jigsaw puzzles. On the puzzle page select 'Send' under the picture to do the puzzle or send it. There's also a daily jigsaw at Today's Jigsaw Puzzle and atToday's Jigsaw Puzzle (2).

  2. Chevron Cars Jigsaw Puzzle - Online puzzle for children. Click easy or hard (9 or 36 pieces) and then select from the 22 car pictures. Drag pieces to their correct position in the frame to the right of the pieces. No joining or rotation.

  3. - Play hundreds of free online jigsaw puzzles and win cool prizes! Compete for fastest solve times and send e-cards to friends with your personal photos. Play as a guest or become a free or premium member and enjoy additional benefits. This classic jigsaw puzzle has joining, high quality graphics and the option to select the number of pieces. It has the look and feel of the popular JigZone puzzles, but requires Flash, not Java. Premium membership (not yet available) offers more puzzle cuts, rotation, the ability to save partially complete puzzles and other benefits. A new picture is added each day and featured as the Daily Puzzle.

  4. Curiosoft - Online classic jigsaw puzzles for children. Puzzles are available as easy (4 pieces), medium (16 pieces) and hard (100 pieces). No rotation or special controls. Good graphics. An archive of weekly puzzles is listed at the bottom of the page.

    A Google Gadget is available for adding this puzzle to your website. Each time the gadget is reloaded during a session, it displays a different puzzle but it always starts with the same puzzles.

  5. Chris Goringe's Jigsaw - This site is no longer available, but the puzzles are implemented at other sites. Online jigsaw puzzle has pieces with square tabs, joining and rotation. Drag pieces to join them. Rotate them by right click, or double left click or shift left click. I believe this is the only Java applet available with both joining and rotation. Your browser must be Java-enabled and support transparency. The Java applet is used at The java applet for this puzzle is shareware and available for your website for $15. Email Chris Goringe for a free trial.

  6. Clever Media - Clever Media creates software games, including a customizable jigsaw puzzle for websites. They used to have a daily jigsaw puzzle and gallery on their site, but they have moved to thier sister site Just Jigsaw Puzzles. There you'll find online daily jigsaw puzzles, archived for 12 days with a search of their 1,800+ puzzles.
    A new puzzle is added each day. The Shockwave Player is required. There is joining, but no rotation or drawers. Press "A" to select all pieces, then click a piece and drag all pieces to an edge or use the Arrange button. Then press "E" to select non-edge pieces (or use the Select button; selected pieces cast a shadow), then click one of the selected pieces and drag them to another edge, leaving the edge pieces behind. Now you can easily put together the Poll temporarily discontinued
    edge pieces. Press "L" to select non-linked pieces and they can be moved similarly. You can save and reload unfinished puzzles.

    Clever Media games are added to a website by subscribing at their sister site Homepage Arcade. Subscription prices range from $99.95 to $349.95 per year. Price is based on volume of games loaded and includes as many different games as you wish. The jigsaw puzzle is customizable to use your own pictures. There is a free no-risk 2-week/500 play trial.

    Clever Media puzzles appear at:

    • The Puzzle Society, also called Paid members only can play a variety of games. Membership is $3.95 a month or $19.95 a year with some special offers. The 'demo' of Clever Media is only a picture, not an active puzzle.
    • Just Jigsaw Puzzles - Free gallery of online jigsaws with 1800+ pictures. Includes a daily puzzle with archive of past puzzles.

    See also the CleverMedia entry in my Jigsaw Comparison Chart.

  7. Crea-Soft - See X-plosive JigSaw, puzzle game.

  8. DMOZ Open Directory Project - Browser Based: Jigsaw Puzzles - A link list of virtual jigsaws played online. The list includes a short description of each site. This category of DMOZ is edited by Dotty, owner of this website. DMOZ - Video Games: Puzzle: Jigsaw Puzzles lists jigsaw puzzles to be downloaded (or purchased on CD) and played offline. DMOZ's goal is to produce the most comprehensive directory of the web, by relying on a vast army of volunteer editors. Many of the major search engines use DMOZ as input.

  9. Eder PHP/Javascript Jigsaw Puzzle Generator - Classic jigsaw puzzle to place on your website. The puzzle has classic jigsaw shaped pieces which join together. It does not use rotation or sound. There is no indication that the puzzle is complete. Unfortunately there are no installation instructions, so you probably need to know php and javascript to implement it on your website. This jigsaw puzzle is distributed for free under the GNU Lesser General Public License. The sample puzzle on their webpage has 5 levels of difficulty and the picture changes each time you do a level.

  10. EDesign - The edesign website is no longer available and I do not know another source for the puzzle. This review is kept for historical purposes.

    Frame style puzzle for your website with a free online demo. 49-120 pieces. Click on the Play button to the far right of the word Jigsaw to start the free demo. Click on the arrow to change the picture, then click the picture to start the puzzle. No joining. Pieces do not lock into correct position but they do snap into position. Press Side Pieces to toggle side pieces only, non-side pieces only and all pieces. No recognition that the puzzle is complete. All, but the last puzzle, have piece shapes outline in the frame - but that's not much help. Pieces are shaped very much alike, making the puzzles more difficult. The Flash Player is required.

    The last picture includes rotation. To rotate a piece, press the space bar WHILE holding down the left mouse button to select the piece.

  11. Enchanted Mind - Two online frame style puzzles (Tangrams and Pentominos) are also logic puzzles. Pieces do not lock into correct position.

  12. EPuzzle Free Jigsaw Puzzle Game - Large collection of mosaic style puzzles are organized by category. The number of pieces vary from one puzzle to another, but each picture is only available with with a specific number of pieces. Puzzles are selected by clicking a picture (or by title on the sitemap). A hall of fame is displayed for each picture, listing the top 20 scores for that puzzle.

    Select pictures are available for webmasters to place puzzles on their websites. Some customization is allowed, but you cannot change the number of pieces.

    I've implemented this puzzle with 2 pictures at Dotty's Online Jigsaws: EPuzzle.

  13. EZone - Two online puzzles for children. One requires the Shockwave Player and the other needs the Flash player..

  14. Flash Kit Arcade - Play online or download Flash source. All require the Flash plugin. Some have included the source code. Select the size of your screen to enlarge the puzzle in a separate window. This site is devoted to helping developers create multimedia applications with Flash. Membership is optional. The site often has pages that cannot be displayed - refresh to try again. These links change so frequently that I'll just give you links to the search results.
  15. Flash Puzzle Zone - This competetive traditional jigsaw requires the Flash plugin. Pictures are organized by category. Select a picture and click the Scatter Puzzle button to begin. The game displays the piece shapes in a frame, which you may use or ignore. This layout is always the same but the pieces are randomly scattered. Pieces join when they are placed in the correct relative position with other pieces and the puzzle is complete when all pieces are joined. The best 5 scores (of registered players) are displayed for each picture. (Registration is free.)

    The daily jigsaw appears on the homepage and is archived in an Rss feed. Players can add it to their RSS reader and webmasters can add this list of recent daily jigsaws to their websites. The feed includes the title, description (usually similar to the title), picture and the link.

    Google found malware on this site for a while, but the problem was resolved on September 1, 2008. See the current Google Safe Browsing Report on

    A blog of site news is also available.

    Free online jigsaw puzzles

  16. Flash MX Jigsaw Puzzle - One frame style jigsaw puzzle with standard shape pieces, no joining. Poor choice of background color. This is a challenging puzzle unless you use the piece number cheats. The puzzle is a sample to help developers learn to use Flash MX.

  17. Free Jigsaw - Gallery of pictures are available as free online frame style or classic jigsaw puzzles. The gallery is organized by subject in the menu at the left of the page.

    The frame style puzzles are 24 to 120 pieces. Drag and drop pieces in a frame to swap their positions.

    The classic jigsaws have an option menu where you can change the number of pieces (9-150), piece shape (classic or ractangle). Drag pieces to join them. The workspace is a little small for the size of the pictures. The Hint button brings one piece covered by other pieces to the top - great for finding 'lost' pieces.

    This site is sponsored by 21st Software. There is a download of the free demo version of David Gray's Jigsaw Puzzle that can be used 5 times. $11.99 for the program and a set of pictures. See review of Jigsaws Galore and my Jigsaw Comparison Chart. Good customer service.

  18. Free Online Puzzle Game - Frame style jigsaws are organized by category. All have 49 pieces and include rotation. The placement of the Google ads is irritating.

  19. GameGate -Blender is an online timed jigsaw in a frame. Click two pieces to swap them. No joining or rotation. Many jigsaws are available in the Java applet. See how many you can complete in 5 minutes. At the end of the time, enter your name and see the top scorers. Moving Puzzle is similiar but the picture keeps changing.

  20. GameHouse - A daily online jigsaw and downloaded jigsaw collections. The puzzle is easy to use. Picture quality is acceptable but not outstanding. The two versions look similar but the downloaded collections have more functionality than the online version. Both versions are timed and have controls for displaying edges only and the picture.

    Warning: Viruses have been encountered while loading the online daily puzzle. This was fixed but could happen again. GameHouse uses DoubleClick ads throughout their site and users at McAfee Site Advisor report on report viruses, adware and malware at

    The free online jigsaw puzzle requires Flash and has a choice of 25, 64 or 100 pieces. Each picture is only available for a day.

    Super Jigsaw is the downloaded version of these jigsaws. Each collection can be run free with full functionality for an hour. Prices range from $9.95 to $24.95. Once one collection is installed on your computer, subsequent collections are automatically installed in the same directory and all collections can be accessed by running Super Jigsaw. Piece shape is rectangular or classic jigsaw shape and the number of pieces is controlled by a slider from 4 to 520 pieces. Rotation may also be selected. There are options for controlling background color, background texture, sound, displaying tips, saving progress and pausing the puzzle. The playing area is small for the size of the puzzle - actually the online version has a better playing area to puzzle size ratio.

    GameHouse has discontinued their affiliate program.

  21. Harcourt Art Puzzles - Online jigsaw in a frame. Pieces from two simple puzzles are displayed at the same time. Drag pieces from one puzzle to their correct position in a frame, then complete the second piece. Information is then displayed about the pictures.

  22. Hoot's Jigsaw puzzle - Online puzzle in a frame for children. Click on the piece that fits in the highlighted position in the frame. You must start over if you choose an incorrect piece. A second puzzle is available when the first is solved. Sound effects.

  23. icaPuz - Frame style puzzles to play online, purchase or place on your web page. Pieces
    are irregular shapes with many square corners. (This site is no longer available but the puzzle is found at other sites. See below.) There is no joining or rotation, however there is a sound when a piece snaps into its correct position. The sound changes as the puzzle progresses. Working space is somewhat limited, making it difficult to see all the pieces at once, but the picture quality, picture selection and unique piece shapes make these puzzles very enjoyable. (The amount of working space is controlled by the web site and can be changed if you implement the puzzle on your own web site.) Poll temporarily discontinued

    The puzzles on the play-for-free part of the site are available in 5 levels of difficulty. An optional free membership is available. Over 3,000 pictures are divided by category and subcategory. Each subcategory has 3 free puzzles for playing online, 3 additional puzzles for members and a set of 50 puzzles for purchase ($7.95 for the subcategory set or $49.95 for the entire collection). Members also have access to 6 daily puzzles.

    See two March 2002 News items about icaPuz.

    There are also four versions of jigsaw puzzles plus a daily puzzle to put on your web page. These puzzles are aimed at companies who want to advertise their products online. (ICA is the International Consultants Agency.) Each version can be played online with one picture and ordered by email. Price for the applet varies from free to $29.95. The applet includes parameters for number of pieces (2 to unlimited), background colors, sound files, etc. IcaPuz has been very responsive to my email questions.

    This puzzle is also implemented at

    • Dotty's Online Jigsaws: icaPuz Daily Puzzles - My implementation of these puzzles.
    • Fell2Earth - Over 200 jigsaws organized by number of pieces (15, 30, 60, 80 or 120) and listed by title plus some Henri Peter Art jigsaws. Includes daily puzzles using the icaPuz applet. Some of the puzzles require a free membership. Warning: Google reported finding malicious software at this site on January 24, 2009 and on March 4, 2010. See the current Google Safe Browsing Report on
    • Gardenseeker - 3 flower puzzles of different difficulties.
    • JigCard Gallery - My photography gallery featuring a jigsaw puzzle and electronic greeting card for each photo. The daily puzzle and all eCards are free. Members can play the puzzle with over 1000 pictures and have additional benefits.
    • Jigsawland - Puzzles are organized by difficulty and picture category.
    • PakFellows - Puzzles are organized by picture category. Cannot choose number of pieces.

    See also the icaPuz entryin my Jigsaw Comparison Chart.

  24. Infinite Jigsaw Puzzle - Classic jigsaw puzzles can have 24 to 1040 pieces. Play from the large gallery included in the download or use your own pictures. A free trial version is available which has less functionality than the full version and is limited to 60 playing minutes.

  25. International Library of Photography - Every picture in this photography gallery is available as a frame style jigsaw. Select Do This Photo as a Puzzle below the photo. Swap pieces in the frame to complete the puzzle. A picture of the hour is featured on the home page and there are two daily puzzle contests with cash prizes.


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The following reviews contain more detail and are included in the Jigsaw Comparison Chart. Jump directly to one of the highlighted reviews:
Big Jig
Big Mosaic
Clever Media Jigsaw Puzzles
Jigsaws Galore
Jigsaw Mania
Jixxa Jigsaw Puzzles
Living Scenes Jigsaw Puzzles
One Player
The Puzzle Factory
The Puzzle House
Puzzlet Factory
Smoke and Mirrors
Steve's Jigsaw Puzzles
Tibo Jigs@w
Web Reference
World Winner