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Site Help

This page is intended to help those who are having trouble viewing my web pages. Move within this page by selecting Browser Versions , Menus and Hot Keys , Page Formating , Sound, AOL, Windows XP, Contact or Privacy.

Browser Versions and Plugins

These web pages are best viewed with Firefox or Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 4.0 or higher. You may also use Netscape version 4.0 or higher. You can get them at download Firefox or download Internet Explorer. These browsers have versions for Windows, Macintosh and Unix and come in other languages as well as English. All these browsers are free.

Internet Explorer and Firefox sometimes use different terminology for the same concept. For example Favorites = Bookmarks and Refresh = Reload. Macintosh controls are also different than on the PC. On the Macintosh, when my instructions use right-click, try holding down control, option or command while clicking.

I created these pages using Microsoft IE and later Firefox. I also test them with Mosaic, Opera and occasionally Web TV.

Playing the online puzzles on this site requires a browser that supports JavaScript and Java. Most browsers support this, Mosaic does not. I have not yet found any jigsaws that can be played on web tv. The Flash Player or Shockwave Player are needed for some puzzles and may be downloaded free. These players are already installed for most browsers.

Menus and Hot Keys

There are two formats for the menus on these pages. There is a Flash menu near the top of all pages and a Javascript menu at the left of many pages. If the Flash Player is not installed on your computer, you'll see a simple menu of links instead.

The Flash menu (light blue buttons) has multiple layers. Click on the desired item in the Flash menu and a submenu displays. Select an item on the submenu or click the original item (highlighted) to return to the previous layer.

The menu at the left contains many of the same links as the Flash menu. If you are using Internet Explorer 4.0 or higher, the menu will also includes hot-keys. Press the alt key and the indicated key for each menu item (from anywhere on the page) to select a link, then press Enter on your keyboard to activate the link.

Page Formating

This website uses cascading style sheets (CSS) to format the web pages so they will be consistent. If your browser does not support CSS, these pages will not be as pleasing but you should still be able to read them. Upgrade to one of the browsers recommended above for best results.

The current format is a header at the top, followed by three columns. The header contains the site logo and the main menu. The left column has a different version of the menu. The center column contains the page content, sometimes higlighted with a lightblue background. The right column contains links. The general color scheme is blue and white and the header and left and right columns contain a background of jigsaw pieces. Graphics for the puzzle pieces were created by Dotty Storer.

For visually impaired users, each image has been labeled with a text alternative.


You'll need a sound card and speakers to hear the music and other sounds available on these pages. Sound is never an integral part of the content, so you won't miss a lot if you don't have sound capability. If your computer does support sound and you don't hear any sound where you expect it, check that your speakers are connected and turned on and that the volume is not muted.


If you are using AOL's browser, you may get an error when loading pictures into java applets. Set your AOL preferences to NOT compress graphics. To do this:

  • Go to the Settings menu at the top of the screen.
  • Click Preferences.
  • Click Internet Properties (WWW).
  • Click the Web Graphics tab at the top of the new window.
  • Click Never Compress Graphics.

For more information about this problem, see Autumn Web Page Help >>> Problem with AOL's Browser or AnnieReb's Battle with AOL & Lakes Applet.

Windows XP?

Some versions of Microsoft XP are missing the Java Virtual Machine which is required for java applets used by many virtual jigsaw puzzles. Microsoft has stopped packaging Microsoft VM in their operating systems and has published a

You can get the Java Virtual Machine direct from its developers at Free Java Download.


Dotty Storer
JigCard Gallery
804 Gaillard Court
Manchester, MO 63011



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